
Hailing from Bridgewater, New Jersey, The T.E.S.T. Team 303 competes in FIRST Mid-Atlantic events throughout the year. Based in Bridgewater-Raritan High School, the team participates in two kinds of robotics competitions each year: the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) in the winter/early spring, and the FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) in the fall. Each competition season includes a kickoff, in which that year’s challenge is revealed to teams at the same time worldwide, as well as six weeks for the teams to design, build, and test their robots, and travel to a variety of venues, in which Team 303 competes with and against other students from around the world. Both corporate and local sponsors are key to the team’s sustainability. These sponsors support the team financially and supply mentors and services, such as sheet metal fabrication. The contributions of the sponsors enable the team members to have the best possible resources, as well as the ability to acquire skills that are applicable to various future professions.

Beginnings (1999 - 2006)

FRC Team 303: Vulgen's Heroes was created in 1998 as a partnership between Bihler of America, the Midland school and Pingry Academy. After their first season in 1999, Pingry decided to not participate the following year, and Bridgewater-Raritan High School took their place. Throughout the next several years, this new partnership was incredibly successful. The BRHS and Midland students had the opportunity to work alongside real engineers to solve the fun challenge that FIRST created every year, and Bihler engineers enjoyed the challenge of mentoring students and assisting in the creation process, all with tight deadlines. After their second season, the team also changed its name from Vulgen’s Heroes to Panther Robotics, after the mascot of BRHS. Throughout this time period, it was not uncommon for Team 303 to take home event banners from competitions.

Relocation (2007)

After the successful first several seasons for the team, Bihler unfortunately came to the point where they could no longer allow their facilities to be used by the team. This was problematic to the team since their workspace, mentors, and funding all came from Bihler. The team went searching for a new sponsor to replace Bihler, but unfortunately, due to the search and other reasons, Midland decided to leave the team as well. Team 303 was now exclusively part of the Bridgewater-Raritan High School. As the 2007 season approached, things began to look up; while the team did not have one big sponsor to replace Bihler, many smaller donations were starting to fill the gap, but the team was still desperately in need of a build site. After looking at school classrooms, students’ garages, and other solutions, Pressure Tube Manufacturing (PTM), stepped in, and allowed Panther Robotics use of its facilities.

303 Renaissance (2008 - 2010)

With new-found stability, Team 303 went through an era of massive growth and derenaissancevelopment. They continued working to give back to the community in new ways, such as raking leaves and shoveling snow for the elderly and creating an engineering program for fourth and fifth graders to attend after school. The team also started an off-season event called the Bridgewater-Raritan Battle Royale or BR2, which was hosted yearly in late May and attended by roughly thirty teams. The team also started several green initiatives such as recycling metal scraps and cans, collecting old cell phones and electronics, and cleaning up the high school. These activities both benefited the team and the community. The growth of the team culminated with its successful 2010 season, in which it made waves in both the New Jersey and Connecticut Regionals by making it into semi-finals and quarter-finals respectively, and running a strategy booth to help every team maximize their scouting information.

A New Era (2011)

At the end of 2011, Team 303 lost their workspace once more when, after an ownership change, PTM decided that they would no longer provide a space for the team. Fortunately, the team quickly found a temporary workspace at STS Tire & Auto Center that would give them a place to work during the build season. That temporary workspace turned into a strong partnership and a permanent home for the team. 2011 was a huge year for the team; with the wins of both the New Jersey and Philadelphia Regionals and making it to eliminations at the World Championship. The summer that followed that season, the team formed the Student Leadership Council (SLC). The creation of the SLC was a huge milestone that marked a large transition of power from the mentors/advisors to the students.

Testing… (2012 - 2019)

After deciding their team name and colors were not unique, Panther Robotics became The T.E.S.T. Team 303 with a unique teal color and vibrant test pattern logo, specifically SMPTE color bars, or Engineering Guideline EG 1-1990. T.E.S.T. stands for Technologists, Engineers, Students, and Teachers, the major groups that make up the team. The change was a massive success that lead to the team winning the Imagery award at their second competition of the season. 2013 was an even better season for the team.. Team 303 was one of the top teams in their region, qualified for the World Championship, then ended up being the captain of the alliance that went on to win the entire division. The team had another monumental year in 2014, not only winning the Chairman’s award for the first time ever at a district event, but they won it again at the regional championship, beating teams who have been winning it consistently for years. In 2019, a major revamp occurred in the T.E.S.T. Team, where in order to better reflect the needs of the team, the leadership system was modified and instead of the SLC, a new team structure was created featuring Project Managers, Project Supervisors, and Coordinators, with the intent to create better harmony between all team members and to create a more efficient chain of productivity.

Rise Up (2020 - Present)

In 2020, they took part in the Infinite Recharge Challenge and won the Engineering Inspiration Award as well as the Donald Bowers Award. Unfortunately the arrival of COVID made going to in-person competitions not possible. Team 303 instead focused on Virtual Collaboration to get the ball rolling in 2021. Testing they took part in the Infinite Recharge’s Innovation and Game Design Challenges. However when there was a glimpse of hope over the horizon for going back in-person, Hurricane Ida came in and flooded the warehouse where the team used to work. Due to the Warehouse having toxic chemicals in the soil surrounding it, Team 303 was forced to find a new place to continue their works. Losing STS was a hard hit to Team 303 as all their equipment and supplies where drowned by the flood. However, the warm memories kept the team members to push harder and find a way to be a part of the competition. With the help of the Bridgewater Raritan School District, Team 303 was able to relocate to an Administration building where they plan to build their robot for the 2022 FRC Rapid React Competition.

Chompy - 2024


The team was 6-20-0 in offical play during the 2024 season.

Awards && Accomplishments

  • EI award

Janky - 2022


The team was 14-20-0 in offical play during the 2022 season.

Awards && Accomplishments

  • Team spirit award

Poly - 2020


The team was 6-7-1 in offical play during the 2020 season.

Awards && Accomplishments

  • EI award

Slippy - 2019


The team was 58-27-0 in offical play during the 2019 season.

Awards && Accomplishments

  • District Event Finalist
  • Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors
  • Autonomous Award sponsored by Ford
  • Regional Finalists
  • Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers
  • Autonomous Award sponsored by Ford
  • Wildcard

Rocky - 2018


The team was 56-22-0 in offical play during the 2018 season.

Awards && Accomplishments

  • District Event Winner
  • Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers
  • District Event Winner
  • Judges’ Award
  • Regional Winners
  • Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers

Bendy - 2017


The team was 64-33-0 in offical play during the 2017 season.

Awards && Accomplishments

  • District Chairman’s Award
  • District Event Winner
  • District Event Winner
  • Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson
  • Regional Finalists
  • Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation
  • Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation

Twitchy - 2016


The team was 38-30-1 in offical play during the 2016 season.

Awards && Accomplishments

  • District Engineering Inspiration Award
  • Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen
  • Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson

Sparky - 2015


The team was Check TBA in offical play during the 2015 season.

Awards && Accomplishments

  • District Chairman’s Award
  • Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation
  • District Event Winner, District Championship Finalist

Ugly Betty - 2014


The team was 46-39-0 in offical play during the 2014 season.

Awards && Accomplishments

  • Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler
  • District Chairman’s Award
  • Regional Chairman’s Award

Bernoulli - 2013


The team was 52-26-1 in offical play during the 2013 season.

Awards && Accomplishments

  • Excellence in Engineering award
  • Quality Award
  • Newton Championship Division Winners



The team was 21-18-0 in offical play during the season.

Awards && Accomplishments

  • Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen



The team was 26-18-1 in offical play during the season.

Awards && Accomplishments

  • New Jersey Regional Event Winner
  • Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson
  • Philadelphia Regional Winner

Soccerbot - 2010


The team was 17-9-0 in offical play during the 2010 season.

Awards && Accomplishments

  • Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox



The team was 8-11-2 in offical play during the season.

Awards && Accomplishments

  • Autodesk Visualization Award



The team was 8-9-0 in offical play during the season.

Awards && Accomplishments

  • Autodesk Vizualization Award
  • Underwiters Laboratory Industrial Safety Award
  • Beat Dean Kamen in a drag race

WingBot 2.0 - 2017


The team was 2-5-0 in offical play during the 2017 season.

Awards && Accomplishments



    The team was 10-11-1 in offical play during the season.

    Awards && Accomplishments

    • Underwriters Laboratories Industrial Safety Award

    Dumpvalve - 2005


    The team was 9-7-0 in offical play during the 2005 season.

    Awards && Accomplishments

    • New Jersey Regional Event Finalist

    The Fridge - 2004


    The team was 20-9-0 in offical play during the 2004 season.

    Awards && Accomplishments

    • New Jersey Regional Winner
    • Xeroc Creativity Award
    • Chesapeake Regional Event Finalist
    • General Motors Industrial Design Award

    WingBot - 2003


    The team was 16-12-0 in offical play during the 2003 season.

    Awards && Accomplishments

    • Motorola Quality Award
    • GM Industrial Design Award

    Clawbot - 2002


    The team was 5-8-1 in offical play during the 2002 season.

    Awards && Accomplishments

    • Galileo Division Finalist
    • Johnson & Johnson Sportmanship Award



    The team was in offical play during the season.

    Awards && Accomplishments

    • J&J Mid Atlantic Regional Finalist
    • #1 Seed Award
    • Delphi’s “Driving Tomorrow’s Technology.

    Schultz - 2000


    The team was in offical play during the 2000 season.

    Awards && Accomplishments

    • Featherweight in the Finals



    The team was in offical play during the season.

    Awards && Accomplishments

    • Judge’s Award